We have about 40 people signed up so far to the challenge and you can still sign up at any stage if you haven't done so already. Just fill in the registration form.
A big welcome to our Absolute Newbie bloggers! These are those who don't even have a blog set up yet! We're here to help you so if you need any support to get started, please let us know by asking a question in the comments section below.
So - to the challenges for this week. Remember there are 3 challenges each week for each level of blogger. You do not have to stick within the level you chose, and you can do more than 3 challenges if you wish.Absolute newbie
- Set up a blog, write your first post and share it on Twitter using the #EdBlogNZ hashtag (this will help admin add it to the EdBlogNZ blog site also). See more info at the end of this post.
- Comment on another teacher's blog post.
- Find another persons blog post. Link to it on your own blog and write a reflection about it.
Casual blogger
- Think about your teaching practice. How has it evolved over time? What are you currently working on developing in your practice? What tools have you used during this inquiry time? Blog about it.
- Write a blog about some legendary bloggers, educators, inspiring leaders that help you to dream bigger?
- Encourage a colleague/friend to begin blogging and help them to set up their own blog.
Blogging legend
- Check out the #edblognz blogroll as often as possible and comment on as many posts as you can to help encourage a critical and supportive NZ edu-blogging community.
- Write a blog post about why you blog professionally and some of the things you blog about. Share it using the #EdBlogNZ hashtag so the newbies can get further ideas to blog about.
- Write a blog post about your favourite movie/song/piece of art including how it relates to your life as an educator.
Don't forget to tag your blog posts on twitter with #EdBlogNZ so we can all read and comment on them.
Tips for setting up a blog
- We recommend that when you're setting up a blog you sign up with a personal email address (rather than a school one) simply because then it's easier if you move schools etc... You don't want to lose access to your blog.
- Use a blogging platform such as Blogger or Wordpress.
- Choose a URL (web address) that is easy to remember and share with others.
- Get your first post written! It doesn't have to be a masterpiece - in fact, no blog post does. Make it your own... write for yourself and enjoy it!
- Get in touch with us if you need help setting up a blog or with anything to do with blogging. We're not experts but we're keen to help.
Happy blogging everyone!
- Nathaniel (on behalf of the EdBlogNZ team)
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